What Does Wellness Look Like? | Episode #7

Today Ellisa, Maggie and Kristin sit down to talk about their journey towards wellness, current wellness strategies and share high-impact tips and tricks. Wellness is a journey and looks different in different seasons of life. Today, we talk about what wellness looks like for us in the hopes it will spark an interest in listeners to think about their own wellness journey and find encouragement in the process.

Show Notes

Episode #3: What is Wellness?

Wellness Tree Analogy:

  1. trunk = “holistic”

  2. branches = “wellness”

  3. leaves = “well-being”

  4. nutrients (rain & sunshine) = “self-care”

“Wellness” is an active pursuit and is always growing when served the right nutrients.

Maggie’s Wellness Strategies:

  1. Yoga

  2. mindfulness practices such as meditation

  3. eating healthy (with the occasional treat)

  4. surrounding yourself with healthy and positive people

  5. going for a walk

  6. doing a puzzle (an actual physical puzzle) - while listening to music or just in quiet

  7. taking a bath

  8. sensory breaks of quiet

  9. cleaning tasks around the house add energy and productivity and sometimes can be exactly what you need.

  10. playing music (but also knowing when you need quiet and a break from sensory)

  11. ask for help!

  12. go to therapy, read books, watch youtube videos, etc.

  13. seek your community and what they are doing…they might have some helpful tips for you!

  14. Riding horses and working at an equestrian center

  15. Therapy/Counseling

  16. has used BetterHelp in the past, but also recommends in-person.

  17. Maintaining a schedule on the wall in the house for tasks and to-dos!

Ellisa’s Wellness Strategies:

  1. choosing a word of focus for your year

  2. giving yourself grace

  3. creating ‘spaces’ in your home for wellness (especially during the current pandemic)

  4. tending to your physical body everyday (working out, stretching, resting)

  5. Should shaped heating pad to ease muscle tension

  6. exercise creativity at least once a week such as

  7. playing music

  8. exploring a new music technique

  9. songwriting

  10. writing poetry

  11. working on music production techniques

  12. essential oils

  13. ASMR

  14. listening to nature sounds when sleeping

  15. Get Sleepy Podcast - sleep stories

  16. pamper yourself once a week with an at-home spa night

  17. Candles! This counts as self-care!

  18. set up routines

  19. morning routine with quiet time and prayer

  20. evening routine of winding down, heating pad, sleep stories, ASMR, peppermint or Sleepy Time tea, etc.

  21. schedule a consistent bedtime including quieting technology and unplugging before bed

  22. drinking more water and sometimes using Liquid IV - for extra nourishment

  23. Full Spectrum UV light to bring sunshine inside during winter months

  24. standing and stretching while at work (in between clients/tasks)

  25. schedule regular massages

  26. probiotic and supplement regimen to fuel your body

  27. write down tasks and keep a to-do list

  28. enjoying time to decompress with a snack and an episode of a favorite TV show after work

  29. keeping a calendar for all aspects of your professional and personal life.

Kristin’s Wellness Strategies:

  1. move your body in some way every day!

  2. running, walking, yoga, strength training, stretching, etc.

  3. set boundaries around your personal and professional life

  4. schedule in ‘white’ space in your schedule where you don’t have anything scheduled.

  5. schedule in personal care nights

  6. calendar or a command center in your home

  7. explore different self-care strategies such as reading bookstaking a bathlistening to a podcastjournalingcookingbakingcraftingwatching a TV showexplore meditation and mindfulness strategiesessential oilslisten to musicmake musichot cup of teaspend time/chat with a friend (schedule it in and keep it sacred)!

Guilty Pleasure TV Shows I’m Watching: The Bachelor (ABC), The British Baking Show, The Pioneer Woman, Nadiya’s Time to Eat,

Books I’m Reading: 

Sacred Rest

Profit First

When Less Becomes More

Start With Why


For the Love 

Podcasts I’m listening to: 

Enneagram 2.0

Live Awake

Creative Therapy Umbrella

Business with Purpose

I Choose My Best Life

Practice You with Elena Brower

Unlocking Us with Brene Brown

Being Boss

Cultivate Your Life with Laura Casey

Music Therapy Chronicles

My Productivity Tools: 

Cultivate Powersheets

Our Family Plan Calendar

Day Designer (Daily & Monthly)

Asana - GAME CHANGER for me!

Craft journaling supplies: 

  1. Washi Tape (Neutral colorsAssorted Colors and patterns)

  2. Pens (Multi-colorblack)

Adult Coloring such as this one from Barnes and Noble

Hot Tea (I love all teas, but I’ve been really enjoying this box set from YOGI this season)

Essential Oils (I use doTERRA, but I know others who also like Young Living):

Some of my favorites for aromatherapy are: 

  1. Align and Anchor - for grounding and focus

  2. Balance - grounding

  3. ClaryCalm - calming

  4. Black Spruce - grounding and steadying

  5. Frankincense - for everything 

  6. Adaptiv - grounding and supporting

  7. Forgive - renewing

  8. Motivate - encouraging

  9. Lavender - my GO-TO for sleep and relaxing!  I LOVE this in a bath!

  10. Spearmint - this is uplifting and also I like to add to many other oils for focus

  11. Favorite Blends: 

  12. Grapefruit and Rosemary

  13. Bergamot and Black Spruce

  14. Peppermint and Cinnamon

Strategies to help us maintain wellness:

  1. Set a bedtime routine! - Get enough sleep!

  2. Schedule self-care into your calendar!

  3. Write it down and keep it where you can see it!

High-Impact Strategies:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Seek outside therapy/counseling and support.

  2. Identify things that you need. What feel restorative for you? What are you missing?

  3. Have items or reminders where you can see them! Have them available quickly so you can take advantage of even those small bits of time during the day to do something that feeds your wellness journey.

Thank you for listening!

Tune in next week where Ellisa digs deeper into Authenticity in Music.

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Authenticity in Music - Part 2 | #8


Clinical Ideas for Trauma-Informed Care | #6