Music in Everyday Life | #76

Music is among one of the most utilized forms of auditory input in our society. Music is present at weddings, funerals, in the office, at the grocery store, and in our cars and homes. Music is everywhere…let’s take a moment and bring our focus to just that…music!

A few ideas for using music more intentionally in your day:

  1. Bring your attention to the music! - this is both simple and hard. Over the next week intentionally bring your focus to the music around you. At home, at the office, in the car, at the grocery store….simply bring your attention to it.

  2. Listen for the intricacies of the music. Here is where you can start to look deeper at the music you are exposed to everyday. Answer the following questions:

    1. WHEN do you tend to gravitate towards music?

    2. HOW are you using the music?

    3. WHAT music are you listening to? Also, what parts of the music do you like, find pleasing, or dislike?

    4. What LEVEL OF INFLUENCE do you have over the music you listen to?

  3. Intentionally utilize music!

    1. LISTEN! Intentionally set aside time each day to listen fully to music. This can be a short period of time where you set down everything else and must focus on listening.

    2. Use music for a desired action. Select a playlist or songs for a desired action such as a transition from work to home, for motivation to exercise, to support a good night sleep….to name a few ideas.

      • Iso-Principle: choose music that matches your current mood and gently alter the music/songs towards the desired mood.

    3. Use music as a cue. Use music to support positive associations like exercising, calming before bed, and/or to cue a specific routine or habit.

    4. Learn an instrument.

*Identify where you land on the spectrum of auditory stimulation. Do you tend to avoid sensory stimuli or seek it?


Peak Mind by Dr. Amishi P. Jha

5 ways to use music to improve your daily life:

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